AMSEL028 | Rekonfiguration

incl. Lukas Endhardt Remix

AMSEL028 | Rekonfiguration
AMSEL028 | Rekonfiguration


They say we are a product of our environment, you are what you eat and you reap what you sow. But what happens when you can no longer dig the earth and your food is toxic? Amselcom has forever been near the forefront of change,  exposing new ideas and giving insight through music and creativity. Our goal was always to bring the world closer by removing barriers and letting sounds and rhythm demonstrate humanity’s true, loving nature. That is why a transformation has taken place and with this latest release we hope to give back and contribute without the shallow, meaningless compensation that feeds the music industry. Geplantes Nichtstun demonstrates this concept perfectly, by saying it is time to remove  ourselves from the machine and make our own way, in our own time. These tracks look to offer introspective that can only be found after eliminating barriers like money and fame. Taking time for idleness lets us forget about the things that try  and control our lives, a necessary respite in a time of increasing global noise. Tracks like Opak offer the perfect accompaniment to a quiet time of soulful reflection and Mario Wagner’s wonderful Control Room image brings us the idea of self  direction and taking charge of your own destiny… one rest at a time.

Short Facts

Artist: Geplantes Nichtstun
Title: Rekonfiguration
Label: Amselcom
Cat-No: AMSEL028
Style: Deep House / Downtempo / Slow House
Release Date (Vinyl): Fri 05 Oct 2018

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